Bible Homesteading

Bible Reading Plans

Spending daily time in the Word is essential in helping to transform your mind in to that which our Creator intended you to have.  Having a daily reading plan makes this process much easier… and often times more enjoyable!    Below you will find links to some of the best reading plans we know of.

Torah Scroll
Torah Portions (Parashat HaShavua)

“Parashat HaShavua”, or more commonly called “Parashah” (and sometimes even “Sidra” or “Sedra”), is a custom among Jewish communities whereby a weekly portion of the Torah is read during Jewish prayer services on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.

This Torah portion generally consists of a section of the Torah (5 Books of Moses) plus a reading selection from the Prophets (called “Haftorah” or “Haftara”).

There are 54 Parashas (“Parashiyot” in Hebrew) and the full cycle is read over the course of one year, starting shortly after the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) on a day called Simchat Torah (The Joy of Torah).

Everyone, in every Jewish community around the world, follows the same schedule and reads the same portion of the Torah each week.

The link below will take you to “Torah Resource” where you can download a copy of the current yearly Parashat HaShavua that also includes a daily reading selection from the New Testament (B’rit Chadashah).

“Torah Resource” also has a 3-year Parashat HaShavua reading plan, if you prefer to go at a slower pace and take more time to reflect on what you are reading.

Through the Bible in a Year

For those who prefer a complete reading of the Bible each year, we recommend the yearly Bible reading plan at “Seeking Scripture with Christy Jordan”.

Christy Jordan also hosts an online Bible study group where everyone is invited to discuss the daily reading selections.

With the link below, you can download a copy of her Bible reading plan anytime you wish, however, open enrolment for the Bible study group generally starts in December and closes for the coming year at the start of January.
