Bible Homesteading

Bible Study

2 Timothy 2:15 And study to present yourself approved to YHVH, a workman unashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

Today’s world is getting crazier each day.  Violence, famine, pestilence… more and more of the prophecies in the Bible are coming to fruition right now, in our lifetime.  If you are interested in knowing what God’s (Father YHVH’s) Word has to say about the things to come, and how to survive them, then we invite you to take full advantage of the tools we offer here.

Bible Support

FREE Bible Software

There's no need to spend thousands of dollars on Logos, QuickVerse or any other over-hyped Bible software suite. As our Messiahs told us, freely give as you have been given. Here we have gathered some of the best, totally FREE Bible software products out there - loaded with Bibles, lexicons, dictionaries, books, maps and more!

Vintage Books

FREE Books

We've collected a list of some of the interent's best resources for absolutely FREE downloadable books - including Bibles, commentaries, lexicons, dictionaries, research work, maps and so much more!


Reading Plans

Part of becoming a disciple of Jesus (Messiah Yeshua) is disciplining oneself - and committing to a solid Bible reading plan is a great way to start. Here we have gathered some of the best Bible reading plans available to help you on your journey!