Bible Homesteading

How to Make an Antibiotic with Garlic

Garlic has been used as an antibiotic since ancient times.

It was first mentioned in the writings of Hippocrates, and it has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, such as infections, digestive issues and even snakebites.

Today, garlic is still widely accepted as having natural antibacterial properties that can help fight off infection.

How to Make an Antibiotic with Garlic
How to Make an Antibiotic with Garlic

To properly grow garlic in your garden:

To get the most potent garlic antibiotic you will want to grow your own garlic, and if possible, grow it organically.

Select a sunny spot with well-drained soil; garlic does not like wet feet!

Plant cloves about 4 inches apart and 1 inch deep in the fall or early spring (depending on where you live).

Water regularly during dry periods throughout the growing season.

Mulch around your plants to conserve moisture and keep weeds at bay.

Harvest when leaves begin to yellow or brown; this usually happens 8-10 months after planting.

Using your garlic as an antibiotic:

Simply crush the raw garlic (using a spoon or flat instrument) and mix it with honey or oil to make an ointment for topical application.  Be sure to also get all the oils that may squeeze out of your garlic when you crush it.

It’s that easy!

How to Make an Antibiotic with Garlic

Disclaimer:  We are not involved in the medical profession and are not giving any sort of medical advice.  The articles on our website are based on skills and knowledge that has been passed down for centuries from generations past.  If you require medical advice from a professional, please see a licensed doctor.